Tuesday, June 25, 2013

We made it!

After alarm clocks going off at 1:15 am (or some choosing not to sleep at all on Sunday night!), we successfully met at 2:30 am and headed for the airport. All travels went without any troubles, and we arrived in Liberia C.R. at 11:05 am (local time). We boarded a caravan of vehicles to head to Eladio's Place for lunch (Eladio will coordinate our transportation...and surfing lessons...while we are here).

We enjoyed lunch by the pool, including sandwiches, fresh fruit and a fruit drink. We also began finding wildlife and getting acclimated to our new surroundings.

After settling in the dorms, we were off on our first nature hike, finding a nice range of specimens, including a couple of snakes, geckos, monkeys in the distance, and several bat caves! After dinner, Dr. Jeff Klemens gave an overview of the area, some history, and a preview of all we'd do over the next week. Although not a huge surprise, the kids still had enough energy for a late night card game on the patio outside the dorms!

We will provide an overview of our experiences each day, and include a few photos from the day. In addition, I'll be posting my photos to my dropbox account, which you should be able to view even if you don't have an account (click on the first photo and then you can view as a slide show): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wnmha3fgn7xinik/I2kYDM5AP_

If you have trouble accessing the photos, let me know. If you don't see your son or daughter in the photos....check out the link...I'll do my best to get a shot of each of them each day, but rest assured they are all doing well!

Pura vida!


  1. I'm glad that you're all made it their !

    THANK YOU SO MUCH for keeping us up to date. I do enjoy reading the blog and see all the amazing photos. So please keep them coming.


  2. Just have to let you know that I was checking out the blog today and my 2 and a half year old was looking on. His comment (without any prompting from me because I didn't even know he was looking) was, "That looks like fun!" Hope that is what is for all of you. Remember this is a once in a lifetime.

    Mrs. Lisius

  3. Thanks for the great photos and info. It's exciting to follow the trip with all of you. Just a note for Nick (and any other sports fans)... The Hawks won the Stanley Cup last night! Although, I suppose if you can get any internet at all, you probably already found that out...
    Ginny Jagla

  4. Hi,Having trouble viewing link for dropbox. Can you please re-post? Thank you, Maureen Newman

    Looks like everyone is having a great time so far!

    1. Hi Maureen (and others),
      It seems like the link I posted did not allow you to see the photos unless you had an account. However, when not making it a live link (i.e., you need to copy and past into your browser), it may work. Please let me know if you are/aren't able to access the photos. If not, I can look for another way to make it work.
